Want to know how to make an impression at work? Our latest blog will
breakdown the best way for you to achieve this.
You don’t have to be a genius, work all your weekends, or sell your soul to the devil to get attention and recognition at work.
You just have to think tactically about it.
Start with the business you’re in. You need to be a sponge, soaking up how things work, where it’s heading, and how you or your team can help it get there. Next, zoom in a bit. You’re going to want to create a stakeholder map by pinpointing a few key people in the business, and then setting to work getting to know them and influencing them.
These are the people with the power to make or break your career. It’s likely your boss is one of them, but there will be others too. Like people outside your team but with clout, or people at your level who are going places. Observe them. Get to know how they work. Are they detail-obsessed or big picture? Strict or relaxed? Driven by money or driven by purpose?
Next, get to know what they expect of you. That should be easy with your boss, particularly if they’ve set you some objectives, but for the people in the outer circles it’s more a case of very deliberately working your way into their work lives.
Jump at any chances to work on projects they’re involved with. And if those opportunities don’t come up naturally, force the issue. A ‘how can I help?’ is always welcome.
Do all this for a few months and you’ll have more than enough information to start making things happen for yourself. So it’s time to put together your own 90-day plan, outlining what you want to achieve and how you’re going to do it.
You’ll find that what you now know about your organisation and your colleagues will make what might have seemed impossible or daunting before, much, much easier.
Want some 121 coaching or advice, then contact us.